Friday, October 24, 2008

It stands for reserve

Sometimes when we are going to sleep but aren't actually tired we end up playing word games. Like trying to come up with words that are 6 letters long and have a double letter in the middle but that would still be a word if you switched the first letter and the middle letters. For instance, the word lopped would become polled, and tipped would be pitted. Things like that. Several times we've rhymed things with the phrase "There's a bear in my eye" and you have to sing your response- please don't stare at my pie, if I married you I would die, why's there a knife in my thigh?, etc. Or there's last night where neither of us could remember what the R in ROTC stood for so we volleyed back and forth with things like rickshaw, Rambo, renegade, rambunctious, ruthless, rhino, right-of-way, rotten, until we'd listed all the R words we knew. I think I won with Rhomboid.


maranda said...

Oh...when I shared a bunk-bed with her all those years, we would play word-games sometimes before falling asleep. They weren't as difficult as the ones you seem to play though. Perhaps I wasn't as intelligent of a partner. Seems she's moved on to bigger and smarter fish...

Patty Fingers said...

Fish are not smart.

Anonymous said...

Reserve, my friends, reserve.

p.s. This is M-High. I think.

maranda said...

what do the other "OTC" letters stand for?

Anonymous said...

Officer Training Corp. This may be the only fact that I've retained these almost 20 years of my life.

Marcene said...

now I'm confused...maybe I thought m-lite was m-high? These code names are too non-descript to help those who should be able to easily idenify their own family! m- high a family member? I live next to a recruiter and he says that he gladly accepts rhomboids into the ROTC.